MESSE BRÈVE, Op.62 (2024) 25'00
(on the texts of the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei) - [in Latin]
for 4 voices, 6 violins, 3 cellos and double bass
TROIS AIRS DE JEAN MORÉAS, Op.56 (2022) 9'40
(on three poems from 'Autant en emporte le vent' 1886-1887 by Jean Moréas) - [in French]
for voice and 6 instruments : org(to) / vl1 / vl2 /vla / vlc / cb
Premiere : April 6, 2022 - Espace Pôle Nord, Brussels
Performer : Sturm und Klang Ensemble - Thomas Van Haeperen, conductor
OÙ EST LA PLAIE ?, Op.51 (2020) 9'00
(on excerpt from the poem 'Les Charniers' 1947 by Guillevic) - [in French]
for mezzo-soprano, baryton and 7 instruments : cl / cl.B. / guit. /pno / vl / vla / vlc
Premiere : January 27, 2021 - House of European History, Brussels
Performers : Sturm und Klang Ensemble - Thomas Van Haeperen, conductor - Clara Inglese, soprano - Lorenzo Caròla, baryton
Support : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction générale de la Culture - Service de la Musique
MNÉMOSYNE, Op.48 (2019) 6'30
(on poem 'Mnémosyne' 1930 by Pierre Jean Jouve) - [in French]
for medium voice and piano
Premiere : March 2, 2021 - Arsonic, Mons
Performers : Clara Inglese, soprano - Charly Delbecq, piano
(on three poems from 'Etudes pour un psaume I' 2004 by Marc Dugardin) - [in French]
for voice and percussion
Premiere : November 26, 2016 - Librairie Quartiers Latins, Brussels
Performers : Clara Inglese, soprano - Max Charue, percussion
Production : Lettres en Voix asbl
ET J'ASPIRE EN TREMBLANT..., Op.32 (2015) 13'00
(on poem 'Sagesse' 1881 and 'Bonheur' 1891 by Paul Verlaine) - [in French]
for soprano, clarinet and piano
FRAGMENTS OF ARS POETICA, Op.31b (2015) 5'20
(on poem 'Art poétique' 1874 by Paul Verlaine) - [in French]
for soprano and piano
(on poem 'Art poétique' 1874 by Paul Verlaine) - [in French]
for soprano and harp
Premiere : June 25, 2015 - Arsonic, Mons
Performers : Clara Inglese, soprano - Alisée Frippiat, harp
Production : Lettres en Voix asbl
VERLAINE AU SECRET, Op.30 (2014) 60'00
chamber opera in five acts; libretto by Myriam Watthee-Delmotte - [in French]
for soli, voices, actors and ensemble
Premiere : November 20-21, 2015 - Arsonic, Mons
Stage director : Jean-Louis Danvoye
Performers : Musiques Nouvelles Ensemble and Arts² Ensemble - Quentin Mourier, conductor
Coproduction : Lettres en Voix asbl / Royal Conservatory of Mons / Le manège.mons / Mons 2015
Support : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction générale de la Culture - Service de la Musique
SUAIRE DE PIERRE, Op.27 (2014) 6'50
(on poem 'La Prison' 1928 by Pierre Jean Jouve) - [in French]
for women's choir (SSA)
THE ASSAULTED GIRL, Op.25 (2014) 11'00
(on fragments from Acis and Galathea, Ovid's Metamorphoses) - [in English]
for actress, clarinet, horn, piano, violin and cello
Premiere : July 4, 2014 - Sir Georg Solti Chamber Hall, Budapest
Stage director : András Almási-Tóth
Performer : Franz Liszt Academy Ensemble - Nicolas Taboulot, conductor
Production : Erasmus IP, Royal Conservatory of Brussels (KCB)
OPHÉLIE, Op.20 (2013, rev. 2018) 15'00
(on poem 'Ophélie' 1870 by Arthur Rimbaud) - [in French]
for soprano, cello and harp
Distinction : "Emile Agniez"-Prize awarded by the Royal Conservatory of Brussels (KCB), March 2013
Premiere : October 4, 2014 - Concert Hall of the MIM (musical instruments museum)
Performers : Clara Inglese, soprano - Benjamin Glorieux, cello - Alisée Frippiat, harp
Production : Lettres en Voix asbl
Support : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction générale de la Culture - Service de la Musique
DEUX CITES DECHUES, Op.10 (2008) 8'30
(on two poems 'Florence' 1909 and 'Antwerp' 1914 by Alexandre Blok) - [in French]
for mezzo soprano, clarinet and piano
(on poem 1954-1955 by J.R.R. Tolkien) - [in French]
for soprano and piano
Premiere : October 25, 2006 - Concert Hall Fabry of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Brussels
Performers : Rita Matos Alves, soprano - Paule Van den Driessche, piano